An Apples & Honey Cheese Board for the Jewish New Year


As recently explained in my challah monkey bread recipe, the Jewish New Year arrives next week! A traditional snack of apples + honey is offered on the holiday to preview an extra sweet year ahead. Naturally, I took the pairing to heart and placed it as the centerpiece of my latest cheese board creation.

Side note — this round ripple platter is a MUST for all your board nooks and crannies! Whether nuts, olives, cheeses or fruits, the natural ripples create separation between ingredients quite beautifully.


My selections:

  1. Apples: I always find apple slices to be a preferred cracker substitute for cheese, especially for a brie or sharp gouda, as used in this case.

  2. Whole grain/seed crackers from Trader Joe’s remind me of a fall harvest and add a contrasting neutral to the mix.

  3. Fall fruits such as figs, grapes, plums, and pomegranates are not only beautiful to the eye, but they’re symbolic in the Jewish tradition as well! Some Jewish scholars believe the pomegranate was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden; but otherwise, it is traditional to consume pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah because, with its numerous seeds, it symbolizes fruitfulness!

  4. Nuts such as almonds add a crunch and earthiness to the palate.

  5. Honey drizzled over the brie (and everything) is a must for your final touch.
