Introducing the Caramelized Holiday Collection

When special occasions and holidays roll around, I am asked countless times for my recommended food-focused vendors and establishments. This holiday season, in an attempt to culminate the "best of the best" products in my pantry and on my bar cart, I have partnered with a few of my favorites to provide a first-edition Caramelized Holiday Collection.

Each collection ($50*) will be delivered in a metal, burlap-lined basket with a special-edition Caramelized holiday field guide of recipes and seasonal inspiration. It's the perfect ready-to-use package to carry into a holiday party for a host gift, or it's an exceptional centerpiece for date night or happy hour.

Throughout the month of December, I will feature the narratives and recipes of the included items and shops. Each is a spectacular standout on its own that equally serves as an ingredient to the perfect cheese board and/or holiday gathering.


Spice blend by Porcellino's Prodigal Farms goat cheese exclusively from 387 Pantry Olive oil by The Mighty Olive Baguette by Miss Cordelia's Bakery Pepper jelly by Flo's Honey from Nature Nate's

The first five purchased will receive a complimentary card from Amelia Presents (especially appropriate if you choose to gift the collection), as well as a bottle of Cornerstone Rocks! red or white blend.

Dates available for delivery begin December 1 through 24.

To purchase and schedule delivery, contact Cara today.


*tax not included