A Graceland GETAWAY

A Graceland GETAWAY

Memphis is known for many-a-things, but if you ask a tourist, you'll get one of two buzz words: barbecue or Elvis.  Though I am surely proud of both, I am most fascinated by the fanfare associated with Elvis Presley. His mansion is a magnet for millions each year; and even if I have only been twice my entire life, I now have a new reason to venture to Elvis Presley Boulevard...

Caramelized Bachelorette Party

Caramelized Bachelorette Party

Watercolor, Florida on the 30A coastal highway provided the beachside backdrop to our bachelorette affair. The area has always been considered a retreat, considering it is driving distance from Memphis with absolutely dreamy architecture and activities. 

The Best Memphis Frozen Treats

The Best Memphis Frozen Treats

I know I'm not alone when I vent about this humid heat wave. High temps are admittedly preventing me from enjoying the outdoors and prompting me to eat more ice cream than a Ben & Jerry's breakup. However, I've chosen to satisfy my frozen fix with local scoops and sips. Try these and out let me know who to add.

Winslow's Home (St. Louis)

I've selfishly taken a restaurant review hiatus -- partially due to my real-time raves on Instagram and otherwise due to my excessive eating-out habits that drive me off-track. Thanks to my iPhone camera roll, I am rewinding to review the highlights of Spring and Summer. Nonetheless, these spots are timeless. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

In early April, my friend Madeline and I took a girls' weekend getaway to St. Louis, where we lofted at the Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel and ventured in every neighborhood in between. My closest childhood friend Sami, who attended Washington University in St. Louis, insisted that we try Winslow's Home for brunch. We ventured to the University district and joined the thirty-minute ordering line that felt oddly entertaining; perhaps it was the walls of curated kitchen gadgets and goods, rustic urban decor, or bakery displays of award-winning chocolate chip cookies and pastries.

The locally milled unbleached flour comprised our berry galette, which we snacked on during the wait. The pastry was dense yet so sumptuously light at the same time. Sprinkled with raw cane sugar, the berries' sweet and sour contrast made for a perfect morning bite.

5018346d1ba5a.imageSince it was almost 11 a.m., we opted for more savory entrées at the ordering counter. Avocado toast and kale salad were the winning choices -- simply prepared yet done so right at Winslow's Home. We pleasantly observed local ingredients, clean presentation (with extra grated parmesan), and timely delivery at our marble table for two.

I've been told that the adjacent "Cellar" space offers private dining for up to 36, and the restaurant's dinner menu impresses with ingredients from Winslow's Farm, which sits 35 miles west of the city. Though Madeline and I only dined for one morning, we truly felt "home" at the red-brick establishment. It's a cozy, comfortable feeling that still remains with me.

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Processed with VSCO with f2 preset