Autumn Apple Napkin Rings


When I think of autumn harvest, my mind immediately invokes memories of apple tree groves along the Mississippi freeway route to my childhood summer camp. Growing up, we'd attend a family camp weekend in late fall that'd bring back camper families back "home" while showcasing the grounds to potential new camper families. The drive back to camp would instill a sense of nostalgia and eagerness for the arrival of a new perspective of my summer home.

For our early autumn spread, I thought the golden red apple would make for a particularly perfect seasonal symbol. When dried to an even crisp, apple slices make an elegant addition to a tablespace. In this case, we wrap them in twine around linen napkins. I find the look to be absolutely charming, perfect for an indoors or outdoor gathering. Enjoy this effortless DIY for your dinner table!



1 red apple
4-8 pieces twine

1. Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Slice apple as thinly as possible (about 1/8 inch thick or thinner), using a mandoline if available.

2. Arrange slices in a single layer on a  parchment paper-lined baking sheet.

3. Bake 1 1/2-2 hours, or until apples are crisp and dry. Allow to cool before handling.

4. Roll linen napkins and weave twine through the hole of each apple ring. Tie twine in back of napkin, and place at each setting. Save remaining slices for a snack!
