A Mother's Day Pizza Party

We celebrated my momma with the usual festivities: giving her a beautiful DebraJill necklace, eating bagels and shmear for breakfast and doing whatever my mom wished...even if that meant cleaning out the garage and her event planning storage office.
Since mom is always the one grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning for the family, I figured I would volunteer to do so on Mother's Day. I decided on flatbread pizza.  The store-bought whole wheat dough did not require any prep, and the individual pies allowed every member of my high maintenance family to pick his or her own toppings.
The four pizzas were a hit. And, might I add, this pizza party would be appropriate for any gathering, not just Mother's Day. The meal screams summer and sunshine!
My dad likes the fully loaded pie...always. A generous red base with just a sprinkle of shredded mozzarella (he always orders "light cheese") created the foundation for a vegetarian delight. I caramelized a sweet onion with baby bella mushrooms.  Artichoke hearts and black olives sat on top. Yum-o.
Basically...a margarita pizza. I sliced roma tomatoes and layered them on top of fresh mozzarella slices and a base of extra virgin olive oil. Freshly ground black pepper and a drizzle of truffle oil added the punch of flavor after this baby popped out of the oven.
Julia likes it simple too (surprisingly!). A red base with extra shredded mozzarella and caramelized baby bella mushrooms. A drizzle of truffle oil after cooking.
My favorite momma called for my favorite kind of pizza. A base of extra virgin olive oil held a sprinkle of mozzarella, caramelized onions and baby bellas and artichokes. After the pizza cooked entirely through, I added a handful of arugula and a fried egg, which I cooked on the stove beforehand. Oh, and you cannot forget the truffle oil.