Sunshine Smoothie

It's Friday. Thank goodness. I'm heading soon to Josephine House for a girls' lunch before I spend the afternoon in as much sunshine as my mind can handle. Trying Qui tonight for dinner...looking forward to sharing that experience with you. Until then, I've been dying to share my new favorite smoothie recipe! I crafted the drink for Camille Styles' Bottoms Up series last week with the new in-season staples in mind: mango and papaya. 
Check out the full post here, or view the recipe below ::
sunshine smoothie

1 cup fresh papaya
2 cups frozen cubed mango
Few sprigs of mint
2 cups coconut water
Juice of 1 lime
1 teaspoon honey
Pinch of sea salt

1. Cut the papaya into cubes and place in blender. Add mango, a few mint leaves, coconut water, lime juice, honey, and salt.

2. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and garnish with a sprig of mint.
photo by jessi afshin