Sweet Potato Hash (Two Ways)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Have you jumped on the #bestovers bandwagon yet? I have been following sites such as Food52 and Love & Lemons on Instagram (as should you), and the creative spins on "leftovers" truly blow me away. When I tried out a simple sweet potato hash with Zoe last week for dinner -- because, let's face it, who has the patience to watch a potato bake in the oven while your stomach is grumbling -- I also envisioned a fancied hash brown version with a crispy fried egg. I can't decide which preparation I prefer; but the good news? You can enjoy both. For breakfast. And dinner.

Any #bestovers ideas from your kitchen? Send them my way!


Makes 4 servings

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 ears of corn kernels 2 tablespoons butter Salt and black pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon flat leaf parsley, minced

1. Melt butter in a cast iron skillet on medium-medium high heat. Add sweet potatoes and corn.

2. Sauté until roasted and potatoes are soft yet crispy, about 15-20 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and parsley.

3. For dinner, serve alongside your protein of choice and vegetable. For breakfast, prepare one egg over-easy and serve over hash.
