St. Roch Market (New Orleans)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Built in the late 1800s as an open-air seafood market, St. Roch's Bywater doors were closed as soon as Hurricane Katrina hit. Now as a true refurbishment and rekindling of New Orleans' charming spirit, St. Roch Market stands as an elegant and airy centerpiece for all things food and drink, all hours of the day.

The space, as you can see, is simply stunning. I'm a sucker for white and natural light. We floated through the gallery of marble countertops and chalkboard menus. I was in awe of the concept that vendors functioned individually yet collectively created a cohesive, complete environment.

The thirteen vendors highlight small menus of specialty items, hand-prepared on the back counters of their established booths. While Alex ordered our Coast Roast coffee drinks, I picked up a slice of extra cinnamon-y coffee cake from The Sweet Spot, and Ashley picked up avocado toasts with red pepper flakes and hard boiled egg from Juice Nola. We brought our brunch offerings to a small marble table in the center of the building and dug in.

Yet throughout the space, you can choose between raw oysters, cold-pressed juice, baked confections, West-African cuisine, artisanal meats and cheeses, crepes, Korean-Creole fusion, and crawfish mac and cheese. Produce at the market entrance is available, too.

Now, I'm ready to bring one to Memphis. Who's with me?

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